Tag - PTI

New tools for CITA Members

We're excited to announce a new tool for CITA questionnaires …and not only!

Over the years, your invaluable responses to our questionnaires have built a rich repository of insights on topics critical to our industry. To leverage this wealth of knowledge, we've developed an advanced AI-powered tool which offers:

  • Efficient information retrieval: Quickly access specific data and insights from previous questionnaire responses, saving time and effort.
  • Enhanced knowledge sharing: Discover comprehensive analyzes and conclusions drawn from members' collective input, enriching your understanding of key issues.
  • Intelligent questionnaire management: Before creating a new query, our tool checks whether similar questions have been addressed, ensuring that each questionnaire provides new and valuable insights.

This tool shows our commitment to not only preserving but also intelligently utilizing the collective knowledge of CITA.

If you would like to use the tool, please contact us by email at secretariat@citainsp.org

Additionally, due to the huge amount of documents uploaded to the members area of the CITA site, we have added a search tool - you should be able to find the file you are looking for effortlessly.

Last but not least, it is possible to recover the password to access the reserved area directly from the website, without asking for help of the CITA Secretariat.

It's our way of thanking you for your continued participation and support.

The Critical Role of Motorcycle Inspections in Enhancing Road Safety & Environmental Protection

In a significant move towards bolstering road safety and environmental preservation, Flanders initiated the motorcycle inspection regime on January 1, 2023. This initiative particularly targets motorcycles above 125 cc for second-hand sales and post-accident assessments, marking a proactive step in the transposition of a European directive aimed at increasing road safety.

The European Vision for Road Safety

The European Union, through its directive, aspires to eradicate road deaths and severe injuries by 2050 — an ambitious goal encapsulated in the Vision Zero initiative. A key component in this vision is ensuring that vehicles, including motorcycles, are in optimal condition. This not only enhances road safety but also significantly contributes to environmental protection.

Scope and Impact

The 2023 statistics from Flanders reveal a considerable uptake in motorcycle inspections. According to the data, there were 23,368 complete second-hand inspections, showcasing the community's commitment to safety and environmental standards. This reflects a significant engagement of the motorcycle community in adhering to safety norms. These inspections are not universally mandatory for all motorcycles but are specifically required for:

  • Motorcycles, tricycles, and quadricycles with internal combustion engines exceeding 125 cc displacement.
  • Electric or hybrid motorcycles with a power output greater than 11 kilowatts and speeds surpassing 45 kilometers per hour.

The Inspection Process

Focusing on road safety, environmental impact, and consumer protection, the inspection covers several technical aspects. These include the evaluation of braking equipment, steering, lighting and reflectors, suspension, chassis, emission levels, and noise. The detailed process is outlined in the inspection manual available on the GOCA VLAANDEREN website. Additionally, the "Kijk uit" episode dedicated to motorcycle inspection provides practical insights into the process.


With more than two-thirds of inspection centres in Flanders participating, the initiative ensures a wide geographical spread, making inspections accessible to all. The data predicts about 30,000 pre-sale inspections and around 200 post-accident inspections annually, underscoring the program's scale and reach. As the statistics demonstrate, this initiative is a crucial stride in our collective journey towards safer roads and a cleaner environment, with over 23,000 second-hand inspections conducted in just one year.

A new CITA member from China: CAERI

The China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. (CAERI) specializes in three key areas: "Integrated Safety, Sustainable Development, and User Experience". They provide a range of offerings including solutions, software data, and products related to equipment in these domains. Their goal is to contribute to the automotive industry's high-quality and ongoing growth by offering technological assistance, helping automotive companies enhance their brands and improve quality, and providing guidance for equitable and rational consumer expenditures. CAERI aspires to evolve into a multifaceted technology platform that encompasses standardization, technological services, data utilization, and the advancement of equipment.


2023 WHO Road Safety Report: A Leap Forward with Vehicle Inspection

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released its 2023 Global Status Report on Road Safety, marking a significant moment in the ongoing global effort to enhance road safety. This report, the fifth in its series, not only reflects on the journey from 2010 to 2021 but also sets a vital baseline for the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. This ambitious initiative aims to halve road traffic deaths and injuries by the end of this decade.

Key Findings: A Mixed Picture
The report reveals a marginal decline in road traffic deaths, now at 1.19 million annually. While this indicates progress, it underscores the critical need for more robust actions. The high cost of mobility, measured in lives lost and injuries sustained, is a stark reminder that achieving the 2030 target requires accelerated and concerted efforts worldwide.

Beyond Numbers: Country and Territory Profiles
In a complementary move, the WHO has also provided detailed profiles for 194 member states and two territories. These profiles offer a country or territory-level overview of progress during the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. They are instrumental in understanding the unique challenges and strides made in different regions, forming a comprehensive backdrop against which the 2021-2030 actions will be measured.

Data Collection: A Foundation for Action
Integral to this report's insights is the innovative data collection platform used for the first time. Running from September 2022 to August 2023, this platform gathered country- and territory-level data, enabling a more nuanced and precise understanding of road safety realities across the globe.

Vehicle Inspection: A New Focus
The 2023 edition of the report notably includes, for the first time, a focus on vehicle inspection. This inclusion is a recognition of the crucial role PTI plays in preventing road accidents and fatalities. By spotlighting this aspect, WHO is broadening the scope of road safety measures, acknowledging the multi-faceted nature of road traffic incidents.

Looking Ahead
As we digest the findings of the WHO's 2023 Road Safety Report, it's clear that while progress is being made, the journey ahead is long and demands unwavering commitment. This report serves as both a benchmark and a beacon, guiding global efforts in making roads safer for everyone.

6th international PTI workshop

On the 12th and 13th of October, the international vehicle inspection community gathered for the 6th International PTI Workshop in Ispra, Italy. This esteemed event was organized by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW). With the backing of significant entities like the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) of the European Commission and the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure Water Management, this workshop promised insights into the pressing issues and future advancements in the field of roadworthiness testing.

A blend of currently relevant and forward-thinking subjects occupied the workshop's schedule:

  • PN/NOx testing: An analysis of the methods and relevance of testing for these pollutants.
  • Access and definition vehicle data: Discussing the challenges and solutions in accessing and defining vehicle data.
  • Scope of the directive 2014/45/EU: A deep dive into the directive and its implications for roadworthiness.
  • PTI Frequency: Delving into the frequency of periodic technical inspections and its relevance in modern times.
  • PTI and Electric Vehicles: Understanding the unique challenges and solutions when it comes to inspecting electric vehicles.
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A look into the technologies that aid drivers and how they impact vehicle roadworthiness.

To further educate and engage the attendees, various presentations and workshops were organized. These sessions spotlighted subjects that are instrumental for the future developments in the periodic inspection of vehicles.

DG MOVE used this platform to provide an update on the status of the RWP. Additionally, attendees had the golden opportunity to get acquainted with initiatives and the horizon of developments in roadworthiness testing across other EU member states.

CITA played an instrumental role in the event. Prominent figures like Gerhard MÜLLER - CITA President, Pascal BUEKENHOUDT - CITA Vice President Technical Affairs, and Víctor Salvachúa - Chairman of the CITA TA A on R&D vehicle compliance, actively participated, sharing their expertise and insights with the gathered professionals.

A touching moment during the event was when the CITA President presented a recognition plate to Hens Peeters-Weem, acknowledging his invaluable contribution to PTI. This gesture became all the more poignant as Mr. Peeters-Weem is set to retire in the upcoming weeks.

In essence, the 6th International PTI Workshop not only addressed the present concerns but also charted a roadmap for the future, ensuring that the vehicle community is well-prepared for the challenges and advancements on the horizon.

AECA-ITV Annual Congress in Barcelona

In a clear sign of the rapidly evolving landscape of vehicle inspections across Europe, AECA-ITV, the renowned PTI Spanish association, hosted its annual congress in Barcelona on the 4th and 5th of October. The two-day event, fittingly themed "Mirando al Futuro" ("Looking to the Future"), witnessed experts, policymakers, and stakeholders converge to discuss and shape the future of vehicle safety, environmental protection, and inspection standards.

Key insights from the presentations included emphasis on electric vehicles (EVs), on the digitization of inspection records, on environmental regulations, safety protocols, and harmonization across Europe.

Undoubtedly, one of the highlights of the event was the participation of CITA, represented by its Executive Director, Eduard Fernández, who presented a keenly-anticipated talk on the evolution of PTI in Europe.

The AECA-ITV annual congress served as a reminder of the importance of collaboration in an ever-changing landscape. As Europe drives towards a safer, greener, and more efficient future, organizations like AECA-ITV and CITA will play a crucial role in shaping the direction of vehicle inspections and safety protocols.

Japanese delegation visits GOCA Vlaanderen and CITA for PTI talks

In a significant move to bolster international collaboration on vehicle safety standards and inspection protocols, a high-profile Japanese delegation visited yesterday (3 October 2023) GOCA Vlaanderen and CITA in Brussels. The delegation, which comprised of top officials from Japan's transportation departments such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the National Agency for Automobile and Land Transport Technology (NALTEC), the Light Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization (LMVIO), the Japan Automotive Service Equipment Association (JASEA), and the Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center (JASIC), aimed to discuss and understand the European models of vehicle inspection and to explore possibilities for mutual learning and cooperation.

The primary focus of this visit was on the robust vehicle inspection system in Europe and in Belgium, which has earned recognition for its stringent quality checks and efficiency. With the growing concerns about vehicle safety, emissions, and the increasing shift towards electric vehicles, the need for a more standardized and comprehensive vehicle inspection system is more crucial than ever.

CITA, known globally for its role in establishing vehicle inspection guidelines, was naturally the focal point of these discussions. The agency shared insights on the latest best practices, technology innovations in inspection, and the challenges faced in ensuring vehicles on the road are safe and compliant.

CITA Recommendation no. 26: Suspension Testing

CITA Recommendation no. 1 lists the items that should be inspected during periodic technical inspection of the vehicle, the method of inspection and the principal reasons for failure. Section 5 of CITA Rec. 1 covers axles, wheels, tyres and suspensions.

The purpose of the new CITA Recommendation no. 26 is to specify in greater detail the recommended test methods and equipment for assessing the condition and performance of the vehicle’s suspension as part of the periodic technical inspection.

A general assumption of periodic inspection is that new vehicles comply with legal requirements. The principal aim of periodic inspection is to test whether a vehicle has been properly maintained and is still roadworthy. This recommendation is based on the requirements for suspensions stated in European Union council directive no. 2014/45/EU on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers.

The document has been developed by the CITA Suspension Task Force.

It describes 3 stages:

· Stage I: Describes suspension testing in accordance with the current EU directive 2014/45/EU.

· Stage II: Describes the advanced current or near-future technology. Stage II describes what can be done in addition to Stage I.

· Stage III: Description of possible future tests. Stage III describes what can be done besides stages I and II.

Mr. Aitor Retes: The New CITA Secretary General

The CITA community celebrates the appointment of Mr. Aitor Retes Aguado as the new Secretary General. The appointment was officially approved by the CITA Bureau Permanent on 26 September 2023.

His incredible journey, spanning more than 8 years within CITA Bureau Permanent, marked by perseverance, dedication, and strategic brilliance, has culminated in this well-deserved recognition.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes as he takes on this new role.

Vehicle Inspection and Society: Beyond Technology.

Yesterday in Brussels, a significant gathering of PTI experts, governmental officials, and industry stakeholders convened for a hybrid-conference entitled “Vehicle Inspection and Society: Beyond Technology.”

Jointly hosted by CITA and the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, this event explored the multifaceted dimensions of vehicle inspection, pushing beyond just the technological considerations to unravel its societal and environmental significance. In fact, this collaboration demonstrated the growing importance of vehicle inspections, not only in terms of technological advancements but also its broader implications for society.

Key players from various facets of the industry graced the event, including Mr. Gerhard MÜLLER, the CITA President, and María José MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, the Director General for Industry and SME Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism from Spain.

The event was a success thanks also to the active participation of  Guillermo MAGAZ PILAR, Managing Director of AECA-ITV;  Sergio OLIETE JOSA, Head of Unit, Transport & Urban Development from DG INTPA - EU Commission; Ricardo SUÁREZ BERTOA, Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) - EU Commission; Victor SALVACHÚA BARCELÓ, Vice President - New Technologies Development from APPLUS+; Macarena FERNÁNDEZ RIVERA, Technical and Operational Director from VEIASA; and Eugenio FERNÁNDEZ CÁCERES, Inspection Site Manager from ITEVELESA.

Key takeaways from the Conference were safety, environmental responsibility, economic implications, and global standards. The primary objective remains the safety of citizens. As vehicles continue to integrate cutting-edge technologies, the process of vehicle inspection has become ever more complex. Efficient vehicle inspection ensures fewer road mishaps, and plays a pivotal role in environmental conservation, ensuring vehicles emit within permissible limits. With a growing need for harmonized vehicle inspection standards across countries to facilitate international transportation, a well-structured inspection mechanism indirectly boosts the economy by ensuring efficient vehicle operations.

The “Vehicle Inspection and Society: Beyond Technology” conference reiterated the importance of seeing vehicle inspections not as an isolated technical procedure but as a process deeply ingrained in societal, economic, and environmental matrices.

The joint effort by CITA and the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU marks a commendable step towards a holistic approach to vehicle inspections, emphasizing its ripple effects across various sectors of society. The Brussels conference not only enriched the discourse around vehicle inspection and its societal ramifications but also paved the way for global collaborations. By sharing knowledge, research, and best practices, stakeholders can drive forward an agenda that prioritizes road safety and environmental health, all while leveraging cutting-edge technology.