The Partnership between CITA and VERT®

The Partnership between CITA and VERT®

The partnership between CITA and VERT® (Verification of Emissions Reduction Technologies) is a strategic alignment of missions that amplifies the efforts to combat environmental and health impacts caused by vehicle emissions.

VERT®, in fact, dedicates itself to promoting the best available technology for emission control, particularly technologies that mitigate ultrafine particle emissions. These particles are known for their significant health hazards and environmental impact, contributing to global warming and respiratory issues.

It sets itself apart by advocating for advanced emission measurement technologies—shifting from traditional particle mass count to particle number measurement. This approach acknowledges the disproportionate impact of ultrafine particles, despite their minimal mass, on health. VERT®’s rigorous standards and certification processes, including the VERT® Label and the VERT® filter list, ensure that only the highest quality emission control technologies are recognized and promoted.

This partnership not only supports traffic pollution reduction programs worldwide but also promotes clean urban mobility solutions.


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