The new chairman of the CITA RAG Europe
My name is Jann Fehlauer, and I have recently joined CITA as the chairman of RAG Europe.
Motor vehicles and motorbikes have always been my passion, not only during my professional life but also as one of my biggest hobbies.
After studying mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Braunschweig I joined DEKRA. My first nine years I have been working as a PTI-Inspector, Damage Expert and Accident Analyst in Braunschweig. Further I have been responsible in various leading positions at DEKRA and since June 2018 Managing Director of DEKRA Automotive Germany.
My aim for the work at CITA is to improve the way of collaboration, especially during a period of mayor changes and developments in the mobility sector. I’m convinced that CITA has an important role to develop and communicate best practices and support all stakeholders on the way to improve road safety and environmental protection.
I’m looking forward to a good collaboration!