
A new CITA member from Germany: Scale MT GmbH

Scale MT GmbH is a calibration laboratory based in Regensburg that specializes in nanoparticles.

Together with esz AG in Munich, their laboratory is accredited by the DakkS. This allows them to calibrate accredited according to ISO 17025 and ISO 27891.
They can test and calibrate both monodisperse (size-selected) and polydisperse (all particles of a particle size distribution) measuring devices. They can also determine particle losses (PCRF).

They have been selling their own products since 2021. Scale MT GmbH is a manufacturer of particle generators and calibration devices for particle counters. They are also the market leader in Germany for the field recalibration of particle counters (DC and CPC) for the New Periodic Emission Test (NPTI).

Please visit their website