Author - Daniele D'Onofrio

Safety inspections for passenger vehicles in Texas

In 2017, the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) commissioned at the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Transportation Research (CTR) to conduct a study with the objective to meet legislative needs inquiring about the efficiency and necessity of titling and inspection of vehicles in the state of Texas. (more…)

ETSC PIN Flash report on urban road safety

Brussels, Belgium | 11 June 2019. “9500 people were killed on urban roads in the EU in 2017, accounting for 38% of all road deaths. 70% of those killed on urban roads are vulnerable road users: 39% are pedestrians, 12% cyclists and 19% powered-two-wheeler (PTW) riders. Car occupants account for 25% of all roads deaths on urban roads”: this is what the new ETSC PIN Flash report states. (more…)

CITA sponsor of the ETSC PIN report

Brussels, Belgium | May 2019. CITA, with the involvement of VdTÜV, recently signed an agreement to sponsor the ETSC PIN report.  Since June 2006, the ETSC Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) is the policy tool to help EU Member States (the program covers the 28 EU Member States, together with Israel, Norway, the Republic of Serbia and Switzerland) improving road safety. By comparing Member States' performance, it serves to identify and promote best practice in Europe and bring about the kind of political leadership that is needed to create a road transport system that maximizes safety. It covers all relevant areas of road safety including road user behaviour, infrastructure and vehicles, as well as road safety policymaking more generally. National research organizations and independent researchers participate in the program to ensure that any assessment carried out within the program is based on scientific evidence, and is effectively communicated to Eu road safety policymakers. MORE INFO

Changes in the CITA Bureau Permanent

Munich, Germany | 20 May 2019. During last CITA Bureau Permanent meeting Mr. Mike Walsh resigned as BP member: "Due to a change of role with my employer DEKRA, I regretfully must stand down from my position as a Bureau Permanent (BP) member of CITA. It has been an honour and privilege for me to serve CITA on the BP. The organisation is in strong shape and is making a valuable contribution to improving road safety globally. My best wishes and thanks to the CITA BP, Secretariat and all Members". Mr. Wash have been replaced by Mr Nicolas Bouvier, who is now part of the BP as an observer, until the next CITA General Assembly in June 2021. Mr Nicolas Bouvier is the Executive Vice President of the Vehicle Inspection Division in DEKRA. He was previously the CEO of DEKRA Automotive SAS, in charge of all the automotive activities of DEKRA in France, Spain, Portugal and Morocco. He has been involved in lobbying activities in these countries and with national professional associations since his early days in DEKRA, in the recent years also with CITA, and as the division head, he is now steering the vehicle inspection lobbying strategy within DEKRA. CITA would like thanks Mike for his precious work within the organization, and wishes good work to Nicolas.