CITA Workshop: “The Role of Multilateral Finance in Road Safety”

CITA Workshop: “The Role of Multilateral Finance in Road Safety”

road-safetyCITA is pleased to announce its new workshop: “The Role of Multilateral Finance in Road Safety” that will be held the 27th of June 2016 in Brussels.

This workshop is an opportunity for CITA Members to learn what the International Financial Institutions finance for road safety in emerging and developing countries and also learn about the type of activities they support.

As we know, road accidents are identified as a health issue by the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) since they are within the leading death causes among youth and with an extremely high impact in developing countries. UN and WHO documents like the “Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020” and “Global Status Report on Road Safety” contain both the main strategy and priority follow ups.

Implementation of these strategies is supported by the International Financial Institutions (IFIs)/Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). The IFIs/MDBs’ role is crucial to understand how the global policies on road safety and environmental protection are defined and implemented in developing countries.

Several months ago the Bureau Permanent of CITA decided to approach targeted International Financial Institutions (IFIs)/Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to promote the role of vehicle roadworthiness in global road safety policies and to explore the opportunities offered by these IFIs/MDBs in emerging and developing countries.

A number of meetings took place with the World Bank (WB), WB managed Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), the WB’s International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Latin America Development Bank (CAF), UK Aid/DFID, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), USA’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and European Commission/EuropeAid/European Investment Bank (EIB). We also had exchanges of views with Global NCAP and LatiNCAP. CITA was also invited to attend the Brazil Ministerial Meeting on Transportation in November 2015, and had an exchange of views with the MDB representatives who attended the meeting. We were also asked to address during the Brazil Meeting the MDBs’ Transport Sub-Group dealing with Road Safety and give a presentation on the impact of in-use vehicles on road safety and the importance of roadworthiness. In January 2016 we attended the Transport Research Board Meeting, GRSF’s Partnership and Donors meeting of the World Bank, and the Transforming Transportation Conference.

From our discussions with the above IFIs/MDBs not only were we able to put CITA and its membership on the map, but it became clear that there was interest to work together with CITA on research and this as a substantive development partner tapping on CITA’s long experience with in-use vehicle inspection and in particular on CITA’s work under the following subgroups as all topics are very relevant to emerging and developing countries: New Inspection Schemes, Anti-fraud, and Port of Entry Inspections. It also became very clear that these IFIs/MDBs can become the best partner to develop and promote vehicle roadworthiness programmes.

This workshop will give the chance to all CITA Members to have a clear view of the role of these IFIs/MDBs in the development of Road Safety and Environmental protection.

Speakers will be representatives from key international stakeholders and finance institutions involved in road safety programs, as well as the most recognized specialists.

Since the number of places is very limited, we encourage you to reply to the CITA Secretariat as soon as possible to secure your attendance to this very special event.

More details will be available in due time.


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