Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/392
The new COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/392 on the monitoring and reporting of data relating to CO2 emissions from passenger cars and light commercial vehicles has been published on the Official Journal of the European Union last 5 March 2021.
This new Regulation sets out detailed rules on the procedures for the monitoring and reporting by Member States and manufacturers of data relating to CO2 emissions from new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, as well as of data on real-world CO2 emissions and fuel or energy consumption of those vehicles.
In order to establish the procedure for verifying CO2 emissions of in-service vehicles in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2019/631, this Regulation also provides for the reporting by means of the Member States’ vehicle inspection network.
These provisions highlight the role of vehicle inspection to collaborate in the Green House Gases policies and show the benefits of standardization of vehicle electronics and communications to streamline the processes related to vehicle compliance.