A day without fatalities on Europe’s roads?
That’s the aim of Project EDWARD each year. Launched in 2016, the project is supported by drivers across the continent, plus very generous public and private sector partners.
For the first few years of this decade, countries across the EU have been highly successful in pursuing the 2020 50% reduction target. But the arrival of a second successive year of disappointing news shows that this downward trend has stagnated.
The initiative that can make a big impact is the European Day Without A Road Death – Project EDWARD for short. EDWARD will encourage all road users to reflect on their behaviour and attitude.
After all, driver behaviour remains the most important barrier to progress as we approach 2020 and its reduction targets.
Drivers are unwittingly or sometimes knowingly putting other road users in so many ways, perhaps by speeding, drink-driving, not wearing a seat belt, using the phone while driving, using vehicles they have not kept roadworthy, parking their cars on bicycle lanes, blocking pedestrian crossings, not turning on their lights or engaging in risky manoeuvres.
But it’s not just drivers who are at fault. Many cyclists and pedestrians increase their risk levels by choosing to ignore the rules or look for risky short cuts.
TISPOL’s target is that no one should die on the roads of Europe on Thursday 21 September. And as we pause to reflect on how we use the roads, we believe that Project EDWARD can make a significant contribution towards further sizeable and sustained reductions in road death and serious injury.
So whether you represent a national government, a private organisation, a public agency, a charity, a school, college or university, or whether you simply care as an individual, please join us and make the pledge to support Project EDWARD, and do your bit to reduce risk and improve safety for the people who use our roads.
We want everyone to feel part of this and to know that small actions lead to big improvements.
Share your actions using #ProjectEDWARD
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For more information please contact media@tispol.org