logo-savelives-slowdown-og-shareThe Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week 2017 | 8-14 May 2017

The UN Road Safety Collaboration has announced that the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week will be held from 8-14 May 2017. This week will focus on speed and what can be done to address this key risk factor for road traffic deaths and injuries.

The key message has been launched through the ongoing campaign: Save Lives – #SlowDown.

The #SlowDown campaign seeks to increase understanding of the dangers of speed and generate action on measures to address speed, thereby saving lives on the roads. It also calls for urgent action around speed management to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2020; the target established in the Global Goals for Sustainable Development for the next 15 years (2030).

In this context, hundreds of events are being organized across the world to highlight the dangers of excessive and inappropriate speed and promote proven solutions for managing speed.

To offer advice on how to organize and host such an event, WHO, with support from the 20’s Plenty for Us campaign, has released ‘Slow Down Days: a toolkit for organizers’. The toolkit provides step-by-step guidance and concrete ideas for engaging the public and drawing the attention of the media to ensure a successful “Slow Down Day”.

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