“New Technologies and Disabled Drivers”: a successful event!
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (11th October 2016). Our first joint workshop with CIECA entitled “New Technologies and Disabled Drivers” was a successful event.
The aim of this workshop was to discuss new technologies and disabled drivers from the sight of both associations: CIECA the view from the driver and driver licensing optic, and CITA considered the matter more from the vehicle perspective. A wide range of issues were addressed during the day.
The feedback we received from participants was very positive. They welcomed the very inspiring talks which offered a vivid description of the issues at stake.
Special thanks to MEP Marek Plura who brought the institutional and personal point of view on the matter. We would also like to thank the European Disability Forum, the KVG, Guidosimplex, the Road Safety Authority, the Belgian Road Safety Institute and CAS: their participation has definitely contributed to the success of the event.
You can have a look at the pictures of the conference on our Flickr account.
We also have collected all the presentations HERE: CITA members can download it through to our reserved area.