Evaluating the Impact of PTI on Road Safety and Economy in Turkey (1990-2022)

The Institute for Economic Research and Consulting GmbH recently published a detailed study evaluating the efficacy of Periodic Technical Inspections (PTI) on road safety and economic outcomes in Turkey, covering data from 1990 to 2022. This comprehensive analysis, spearheaded by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Schulz and his team, delves into the multifaceted impacts of PTIs, employing robust datasets and econometric models to provide insightful conclusions.

Aim and Scope / The primary objective of the study is to ascertain the effectiveness of PTIs in enhancing road safety and mitigating economic losses associated with traffic accidents in Turkey. By leveraging extensive datasets and various analytical methods, the study offers a thorough examination of how periodic vehicle inspections contribute to reducing road accidents and improving economic outcomes.

Methodology / The study employs four distinct methods to evaluate the impact of PTIs:

  • Literature Analysis: A comprehensive review of existing research on the relationship between vehicle inspections and road safety.
  • Visual Analysis: Examination of trend developments over time to identify any significant changes.
  • Autoregressive Processes: Analysis to detect patterns and shifts in the data.
  • Chow Test: Statistical verification of structural breaks in the dataset, particularly around significant policy changes such as the introduction of PTIs in 2008.

Key Findings / The study's literature analysis reveals a generally positive correlation between PTIs and improved road safety. Significant reductions in accidents and fatalities have been observed in regions implementing stringent vehicle inspection regimes. Notably, the analysis of PTI implementation in Turkey indicates a structural break in 2008, suggesting that the introduction of PTIs significantly altered the trajectory of road safety metrics. On average, the share of deaths related to fatal accidents is 0.03766. With this, 5,033 deaths could be avoided. The share of injuries per fatal accident is, on average, 1.6429, which means that 219,498 injuries could be avoided.

Trend Analysis / From 1990 to 2022, the dataset provides a comprehensive overview of road traffic accidents, fatalities, and injuries in Turkey. The analysis indicates a marked reduction in fatalities and injuries post-2008, despite an initial increase in the number of accidents. This paradoxical trend underscores the efficacy of PTIs in mitigating the severity of accidents.

Economic Impact / The economic analysis within the study highlights significant cost savings attributed to the implementation of PTIs. The average annual savings amount to approximately 1.5 billion TL, with total savings from 2008 to 2022 estimated at 22.48 billion TL. These savings underscore the economic viability of PTIs, reinforcing their role in reducing the financial burden of road accidents on society.

Regression Analysis and Chow Test / The regression models demonstrate strong relationships between the implementation of PTIs and improvements in traffic safety. The Chow test confirms the presence of a structural break in 2008, validating the significant impact of PTIs on road safety metrics in Turkey.

Conclusions and Recommendations / The study concludes that PTIs have been highly effective in improving road safety and delivering substantial economic benefits in Turkey.

Key recommendations include:

  • Enhanced PTI Frequency and Coverage: Increasing the frequency and coverage of PTIs to capture and mitigate vehicle deficiencies more effectively.
  • Integration with Other Safety Measures: Incorporating PTIs into a broader road safety strategy that includes driver education, infrastructure improvements, and stricter enforcement of traffic laws.
  • Longitudinal Studies: Conducting further research to track the long-term effects of PTIs on road safety and economic factors.
  • Comparative Analysis: Benchmarking Türkiye's PTI practices against other countries with similar traffic conditions to refine and improve inspection protocols.
  • Policy Adaptation: Updating PTI criteria and techniques to address new safety challenges and technological advancements in automotive design.

Future Implications / The success of the PTI program in Turkey suggests its continued importance in maintaining and enhancing road safety. Ongoing adaptation and integration with other safety measures will be crucial in sustaining and building on the improvements achieved thus far.

For more detailed information, the full study can be downloaded here.

Evaluation of African Road Safety Action Plan Shows Mixed Results

CITA has published new findings from a comprehensive study evaluating the African Road Safety Action Plan, developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). The study, conducted by researchers Dominique Mignot, Laurent Carnis, Eduard Fernandez, Davide-Shingo Usami, and Ruth Welsh, highlights the critical challenges and progress in road safety across the African continent.

The research, which aims to contribute to the improvement of road safety in Africa, reveals that despite some advancements, significant challenges remain. The mid-term evaluation of the UNECA Action Plan indicates that the expected results are not being fully realized, with progress being uneven across different pillars of road safety.


  • Road Safety Management: The study identifies weaknesses in road safety management, including poor institutional organization and coordination, inadequate policy implementation, and insufficient funding. Only a few countries like Burkina Faso and South Africa show relatively good performance, while many others lag behind.
  • Safer Roads and Mobility: The implementation of road safety audits and inspections is progressing slowly. Few countries have developed technical guidelines for road safety audits and inspections, which are crucial for improving road infrastructure safety.
  • Safer Vehicles: While vehicle inspection is widespread, the quality and regional spread of inspections are inconsistent. The study recommends encouraging the importation of safer vehicles through the application of standards and improving the roadworthiness of both new and used vehicles.
  • Safer Road Users: There has been some progress in promoting road safety among young people, but much work remains. The use of child restraints and education on safe road user behavior are areas needing significant improvement.
  • Post-Crash Response: The capacity for post-crash response, including emergency medical services and trauma care, is generally inadequate. The study emphasizes the need for better-equipped ambulances, improved emergency medical services, and the development of trauma care facilities.


The study proposes several recommendations to enhance road safety in Africa:

  • Strengthen the institutional framework and allocate adequate resources for road safety policies.
  • Develop consistent and systematic data collection systems to inform public policies.
  • Promote the use of child restraints through legislation and public awareness campaigns.
  • Improve the technical capacity for road safety audits and inspections.
  • Ensure the availability of quality spare parts and a network of qualified repair and maintenance workshops.
  • Enhance cooperation with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector.

Eduard Fernandez, representing CITA, emphasized the importance of these recommendations, stating, "Effective implementation of these measures is crucial for saving lives and improving road safety across Africa. CITA remains committed to supporting African countries in their efforts to enhance road safety."

For more detailed information, the full research report can be accessed here.

CITA Webinar “Validation of a Method to Test NOx Emissions”

The webinar, hosted by CITA and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), took place on June 19th on the CITA Zoom channel with over 80 participants. The discussion focused on the collaborative project between the two organizations, aimed at validating a new method for testing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions during Periodic Technical Inspections (PTI) in the EU.

Mr. Jacopo Franzetti, Project Manager for Scientific Research at JRC – European Commission, and Mr. Max Holtermueller from DEKRA together with Mr. Thomas Ost, leader of the CITA Taskforce on Emissions, led the presentations. They highlighted the importance of NOx, its formation and reduction, and the scope, the method and results of the project.

Why Focus on NOx? Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are harmful pollutants with severe health impacts. NOx is a strong oxidizing agent that can cause respiratory issues, aggravate other pollutants' effects, and lead to diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and cardiovascular problems. A significant improvement in air quality in Europe has been noted, but NOx levels still exceed WHO guidelines, contributing to premature deaths. NOx primarily forms at high temperatures in the presence of sufficient oxygen, commonly occurring under high engine loads. This poses a challenge for PTI, as controlling these conditions during inspections is complex.

The Project. The JRC has developed a streamlined method for measuring NOx emissions during the PTI of modern Euro 6d diesel light-duty and Euro VI heavy-duty vehicles. This aims to identify malfunctions in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems, crucial for reducing NOx emissions. The objective of the project was to validate a NOx monitoring method tailored for PTI in the EU, focusing on modern diesel vehicles under real-world conditions. Various CITA members participated, testing vehicles across different EU countries to account for diverse PTI systems.

The Results. 161 vehicles from various countries were tested, encompassing a wide range of mileages and ages. Key findings include:

  • Vehicle Age and Mileage:  A very wide range of vehicles were tested, with mileages ranging from 0 to 347.000 km.
  • NOx Emissions: Average NOx emissions were 26 ppm in the first 30 seconds, with significant variations among different participants and vehicle conditions.
  • Feedback: Participants rated the method's feasibility, integrability, and time effort on a scale from 1 to 5, with average scores indicating moderate satisfaction. Challenges included difficulty in warming up vehicles and software/hardware issues.

Conclusion. The validated method is suitable for modern diesel vehicles with SCR catalysts but not for those without. While the method is generally simple, integrating the warm-up process into PTI remains a challenge. Further optimization and precise specifications for the warm-up process are necessary. CITA's Task Force on Emissions is preparing a detailed report on the project's findings, expected to be published by August/September. Additionally, a survey on driving practices during PTI will be conducted between CITA members.

CITA remains committed to supporting the method's further development and implementation.

Training Courses Highlight the Future of EVs in Africa

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO) organized a comprehensive series of training courses aimed at fostering the development of electric vehicle (EV) technology and maintenance skills across Africa. This initiative is part of a broader effort to promote sustainable development, industrial growth, and environmental protection on the continent.

The training courses, spanning from June 4th to June 14th, covered a wide range of topics essential for the advancement of EV technology and energy storage systems (EST) in Africa. These sessions were designed to equip African governments, private sector companies, and young entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills needed to participate effectively in the global EV and EST value chain.

Among the key events was the training session held on June 13th, which featured the contributions from CITA: Entitled "Electric Vehicle Maintenance", the session was conducted by the presentations from Mr. Víctor Salvachúa and Mr. Eduard Fernández, drawing significant attention from various stakeholders involved in the EV industry.

Mr. Salvachúa, leader of the CITA Task Force on Electric Vehicles and head of CITA's Topic Area A, delivered a technical presentation that delved into the realities and challenges of managing electric vehicles from a practical, real-world perspective. His insights were crucial in highlighting the operational hurdles and maintenance issues faced by EVs, providing participants with a thorough understanding of the technical aspects that must be addressed to ensure the efficient functioning and longevity of these vehicles.

Complementing the technical insights, Mr. Fernández, the Executive Director of CITA, offered an institutional presentation. He emphasized the role of CITA in advancing global standards and best practices in vehicle inspection and maintenance, thereby supporting the region's transition towards cleaner and more efficient transportation solutions.

Enhancing Mongolia’s Traffic Safety: A Strategic Initiative

In early June, Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, hosted a significant seminar organized by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority (KoTSA). The seminar focused on the theme of "The Role of Inspection for the Safety of Vehicles in Developing Countries and Measures to Improve the Import and Export Environment." This event was part of the broader Mongolia Transport Safety Improvement Project, a key initiative aimed at enhancing road safety and environmental health in Mongolia.

The seminar gathered several notable figures in the transportation safety sector:

  • Mrs. Munkhnasan, Director of the Mongolian Road Transport Development Department, along with her team.
  • Mr. Eduard Fernandez, Executive Director of CITA.
  • Mr. Kaneyoshi Ikeda, President and Managing Director of JEVIC.
  • Mr. Visar Cekici, Head of Vehicle Registration of the Albanian General Directorate of Road Transport Services.

The seminar aimed to highlight the importance and necessity of vehicle inspections, emphasizing their role in improving road safety and air quality. Through its project in Mongolia, KoTSA sought to secure the government's implementation capability for enhancing the import and export environment, and to discuss potential cooperation with neighboring countries.

Eduard Fernández's participation was particularly significant, given CITA's extensive experience and knowledge from previous projects in Africa. His visit underscored the importance of discussing more cases and current activities in WP.29, aiming to attract the Mongolian government's interest and contribute to the project's success.

During his stay, Mr. Fernandez also met with members of the National Road Transport Center and visited several PTI centers, providing valuable insights into the ongoing efforts and future plans.

About the Project
The Mongolia Transport Safety Improvement Project, launched in August 2023, is an ambitious initiative aimed at enhancing vehicle inspection facilities and capacity building within Mongolia. The project is a collaborative effort involving several key partners:

  • Ordering Agency: Korean International Cooperation Agency (KoICA)
  • Mongolian Partners: Ministry of Road and Transport Development (MRTD) and Mongolia Road Transport Center (NRTC)
  • Project Partners: Korean Transportation Safety Authorities (KoTSA), the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI), and the Korean Road Traffic Authority (KOROAD

The primary goals of the project are to enhance traffic safety and improve air quality in Ulaanbaatar. By strengthening vehicle inspection capacity and modernizing inspection facilities, the project aims to significantly reduce traffic accidents. Additionally, the project includes national policy consulting on vehicle emission gases to address air pollution in the capital city.

Looking forward, the project plans to continue its policy consulting and modernization efforts, ensuring the establishment of a comprehensive vehicle inspection management system. Ongoing capacity building through continuous training programs remains a cornerstone of this initiative.

Seminar on Mandatory PTI by ANASEVI

The National Alliance for Road Safety in Mexico (ANASEVI) organized the third session of its "ANASEVI Dialogues 2024" seminar series, focusing on the implementation of mandatory PTI. This webinar took place on May 30 and served as a crucial platform to discuss road safety, accident prevention, and the environmental impact of vehicles in Mexico.

Entitled "Inspección Técnica Vehicular. Estándares en México," the seminar aimed to address the challenges and benefits of implementing mandatory PTI in Mexico. The primary objective was to improve road safety, prevent traffic accidents caused by mechanical failures, promote a culture of vehicle maintenance, and reduce the environmental impact of vehicles. Participants discussed key aspects such as necessary equipment, professional training, inspection protocols, and mechanisms to ensure the quality and transparency of inspections.

The event featured prominent experts in the field. Roy Rojas Vargas, an international consultant from COSEVI (Costa Rica), spoke on "PTI Experiences in LATAM: Proposals for Implementation in Mexico."

Mr. Eduard Fernández, CITA Executive Director, delivered a presentation on "PTI Experiences: Recommendations for Implementation in Mexico." His presentation provided valuable input from worldwide experiences, highlighting best practices and successful strategies from various countries. As the Executive Director of CITA, he shared comprehensive insights based on global experiences with PTI.

Luis Arturo Salinas Carreón, Operational Director of IATSA, discussed the "Challenges of Implementing PTI from the Service Provider's Perspective." The session was moderated by Salvador Saavedra, founding partner of ANASEVI and President of the Automotive Industry Committee at CANACINTRA (Mexico).

The "ANASEVI Dialogues 2024" series offered a unique opportunity for stakeholders interested in sustainable mobility and road safety to engage and contribute to creating a safer and more sustainable environment on Mexican roads.

CITA TA Meetings in La Coruña: A Comprehensive Overview

On the 9th and 10th of April 2024, CITA held its Topic Area A, B, and C meetings, a momentous occasion graciously hosted by APPLUS+ at their ITV Espíritu Santo - SYC Applus+ facilities in La Coruña, Spain. This gathering of experts, government officials, and industry leaders marked a significant event aimed at enhancing vehicle compliance, safety, and environmental protection through collaborative discussion and innovation.

Day One: Focus on Research & Development in Vehicle Compliance
The meetings commenced on April 9 with Topic Area A – “R & D vehicle compliance,” highlighting the advancements and challenges in the realm of vehicle inspection and compliance. A presentation was delivered by Alberto Zalvide, General Manager of Applus+ SYC, who detailed the unique aspects of the Galician vehicle inspection network, particularly its use of mobile units to serve low-density population areas effectively.

The official opening by Mr. Nicolás Vazquez, General Secretary of the Industry of the Galician Government, underscored the Galician Government's support for CITA's efforts. He emphasized the critical role of vehicle inspection in ensuring safety and environmental conservation, setting a positive tone for the sessions ahead.

The day proceeded with updates on the CITA Task Forces, covering crucial topics such as Type Approval, Vehicle Data, ADAS, Roadworthiness Package, and Electric Vehicles. A significant discussion revolved around the R155 amendment regarding vehicle OBD information access and the necessity for a CITA response to mitigate cybersecurity risks, with a commitment to draft a document outlining the amendment's impact.

Further, updates on EU/ECE legislation provided insights into recent regulatory changes, underscoring the global nature of vehicle compliance and safety standards.

A technical visit to the "Laboratorio de Frío de Galicia" showcased Applus+'s commitment to innovation, offering CITA members a firsthand look at state-of-the-art facilities for testing vehicles transporting perishable goods. CITA members could also enjoy a real car inspection in order to know how the inspection works in Galicia.

Day Two: Enhancing Vehicle Compliance and Engaging in External Affairs
The second day divided its focus between optimizing current vehicle compliance (Topic Area B) and delving into external affairs (Topic Area C).

In Topic Area B, discussions covered practical aspects of vehicle inspection, including brake fluid testing in Norway and dynamic light testing. The session also highlighted the interconnected work of various CITA Task Forces, emphasizing collaborative efforts to enhance roadworthiness, lighting devices, and brake systems.

Topic Area C transitioned the conversation to CITA's strategic positioning and advocacy efforts, particularly in anticipation of the European Parliament elections in June 2024. The presentation of CITA's manifesto by Executive Director Eduard Fernández offered a strategic vision for engaging with the upcoming EU institutions mandate. Discussions on lobbying efforts, the PTI-Directive Process, and national-level involvement of CITA members provided a comprehensive overview of CITA's external affairs strategy.

The meetings in La Coruña were not only a testament to the collaborative spirit of CITA and its members but also a reflection of the ongoing commitment to advancing vehicle safety and compliance standards globally. Through productive discussions, technical visits, and strategic planning, the CITA meetings hosted by APPLUS+ in Spain have set a constructive path forward for addressing current challenges and future opportunities in the vehicle inspection industry.

CITA Topic Area D and E meetings in Stuttgart

In late March 2024, hosted by DEKRA in Stuttgart, Germany, CITA members met together for the Topic Area D and E meetings.

The meeting on Environmental Protection Systems (Topic Area D) on March 26, 2024, focused on pivotal developments in particulate number (PN) measurement techniques and nitrogen oxides (NOx) testing methodologies. The session opened with an insightful overview of PN measurement in Belgium, tracing the evolution of this critical environmental monitoring technique. Following this, the spotlight turned to the Netherlands, where participants were briefed on the country’s achievements and challenges in PN measurement throughout 2023.

A significant highlight was the introduction of Particulate Number Measurements in Germany, marking a vital step forward in the nation’s environmental protection efforts. Furthermore, the collaboration between the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and CITA resulted in the validation of a method to test NOx levels, a breakthrough in emissions testing. Attendees were also treated to a practical demonstration, offering a hands-on look at the innovative method for NOx testing, emphasizing the practical application of these advanced techniques.

The agenda on March 27 began with an exclusive technical visit, offering members a rare glimpse into DEKRA’s Calibration Laboratory for PTI equipment and a PTI station. This visit not only showcased the cutting-edge facilities at DEKRA but also highlighted the meticulous process behind the calibration and maintenance of PTI equipment, essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of vehicle inspections.

The afternoon session on March 27 delved into Topic Area E, focusing on Quality, Training & Confidence. This part of the meeting addressed the imperative of data collection during PTI in the Netherlands, a cornerstone for enhancing inspection quality and vehicular safety. From Norway came insights into the training needs for electric vehicles (EVs), reflecting the growing shift towards electrification and the necessity for specialized knowledge in this rapidly evolving sector.

Moreover, practical experience with the performance of reinspection in Slovakia was shared, offering valuable lessons on the importance of rigorous quality control and the role of reinspection in maintaining high standards of vehicle compliance.

The hybrid meetings hosted by DEKRA in Stuttgart were more than just a gathering of CITA experts; they were a testament to the collective drive towards a more environmentally friendly and quality-focused PTI industry. By bringing together diverse perspectives on environmental protection systems and quality assurance, these meetings laid the groundwork for future innovations and collaborations.

Recap of the 14th VERT Forum and NPTI Workshop, EMPA 2024

The 14th VERT Forum, alongside the NPTI Workshop, marked significant milestones in the field of vehicle pollution control and Particle Number (PN) measurement, bringing together experts and stakeholders in Dübendorf, Switzerland, on March 21st and 22nd, 2024. This year's events underscored a global commitment to advancing environmental standards and fostering collaboration among key players in the sector.

  • March 21st, 2024: NPTI Workshop

The NPTI (Non-Road Particle Number Test Procedure) Workshop, held on the first day, focused on the critical aspects of Particle Number measurement in Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI). It served as an essential platform for authorities, authorized companies, and professionals directly involved in PN measurement to share insights, latest findings, and best practices. The workshop featured presentations of main results from PN measurement in PTI, contributed by representatives from Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland, highlighting the collaborative effort across countries to enhance air quality standards.

The event also welcomed the participation of researchers from the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service, indicating a strong scientific backing and a European-wide approach to tackling vehicle emissions. The workshop, hosted and organized by VERT, with support from the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), aimed at improving the relationship between various stakeholders and developing further workshops and events. This collaborative environment sets the stage for ongoing advancements in pollution control measures and regulatory frameworks.

  • March 22nd, 2024: 14th VERT Forum

The second day was dedicated to the 14th VERT Forum, an event for experts in vehicle pollution control. The forum's focus this year was on particles, encompassing tailpipe emissions, brake wear, and tyre particles, which are significant contributors to air pollution. The discussions and presentations spanned the entire lifecycle of a vehicle, from approval and certification stages through to its eventual scrapping, emphasizing the vital role of PTI in maintaining and ensuring vehicles' environmental compliance.

The forum addressed the multifaceted challenges and innovative solutions related to vehicle pollution, with a special emphasis on the importance of effective particle reduction strategies. By bringing together experts, policymakers, and industry representatives, the forum facilitated a rich exchange of ideas and set the direction for future research, policy development, and technological innovations.

The outcomes of both the NPTI Workshop and the 14th VERT Forum at EMPA 2024 highlight the dynamic and evolving nature of vehicle pollution control efforts. As we move forward, the insights and collaborations fostered during these events will undoubtedly contribute to the development of more effective and sustainable solutions to combat vehicle-related pollution. The emphasis on international cooperation and knowledge exchange underscores the global commitment to cleaner air and a healthier environment, paving the way for further advancements in this critical field.

EU Sets Ambitious Air Quality Standards for 2030: A Leap Towards Zero Pollution

The European Union has made a significant stride towards improving air quality across its member states with a provisional political agreement between the EU Parliament and Council to revise the Ambient Air Quality Directives (AAQD). This deal, reached on February 21, 2024, aims to tighten the exposure limits for various ambient air pollutants, setting stricter standards that must be met by 2030. Specifically, the agreement proposes more stringent limits for pollutants such as particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2), with the most notable changes being the reduction of annual limit values for PM2.5 and NO2 by more than half of the current levels.

This agreement is a part of the broader EU Zero Pollution Action Plan, which targets the elimination of air pollution by 2050. The revised standards are in alignment with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines from 2005, and although the EU Parliament initially sought to adopt even stricter limits based on the WHO's 2021 guidelines, these were not included in the final negotiated text. However, the agreement does include provisions for the standards to be reviewed by December 31, 2030, and at least every five years thereafter, potentially allowing for the incorporation of newer scientific findings and guidelines.

One of the key features of this agreement is the requirement for more air quality sampling points in urban areas across Europe, enhancing the monitoring and enforcement of air quality standards. Additionally, the deal introduces the opportunity for citizens to seek compensation for health damages resulting from violations of these standards.

The agreement still requires formal adoption by the EU Parliament and Council before it becomes law. Once enacted, EU countries will have two years to implement the new rules, marking a crucial period for member states to adjust their policies and practices to meet the heightened standards.

This decision underscores the growing importance of PTI and in these regards of the periodic emission tests, as stricter air quality standards will necessitate more rigorous monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance. It reflects the EU's commitment to protecting public health and the environment by aiming for cleaner air, while also highlighting the challenges and compromises inherent in the legislative process.

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