Author - Daniele D'Onofrio

The UN General Assembly resolution on “Improving global road safety”

resolution(15th April 2016) Acting without a vote, the UN General Assembly and its Member States adopted a resolution on "Improving global road safety"(document A/70/L.44) expressing concern that road traffic crashes killed more than 1.25 million people and injured as many as 50 million people a year. This wide-ranging and detailed resolution calls on the international community to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals agenda on road safety as well as the Decade of Action for Road Safety. (more…)

AECA-ITV: 25th anniversary of the ITV Spanish Congress

toledoTOLEDO, SPAIN (4th – 5th May 2016). AECA-ITV, the Spanish association representing 54 organisations performing mandatory periodical technical of in-use vehicles in Spain, has organized the ITV Spanish Congress on May 4th and 5th 2016 in Toledo. Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the congress had the attendance of local authorities, together with foreign and international institutions and CITA. A book has been given to the attendees to commemorate the event. The main topics of the congress were the new legal framework at national, European and international level; pollutant emissions; the new technologies; road safety, social communication and inspector training.

Experts workshop

ref-vufo-logoInquiry of the accident cause “technical defect” in Europe. Development of a proceeding guideline. This workshop is organized by the Traffic Accident Research Unit at Technical University of Dresden (VUFO) and commissioned by the Federal Highway Research Institute of Germany (BASt). (more…)

Symposium on the Future Networked Car

web_WHITEGENEVA - SWITZERLAND. On 3rd March 2016, ITU and UNECE have convened the Symposium on The Future Networked Car, within the 86th Geneva International Motor Show. Intelligent transport systems and automated driving are fast moving towards widespread commercialization and market acceptance. (more…)

Road Safety Workshop: Best Practices and Key Partnerships for Road Safety

geneva22FEBGENEVA – SWITZERLAND (22nd – 23rd February 2016). Every year 1.25 million lives are lost worldwide as a result of road crashes and 20 to 50 million more are injured. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims at halving road traffic deaths and injuries by 2020. In 2015, the UN Secretary General appointed his Special Envoy for Road Safety, Mr. Jean Todt, in effort to raise attention on need for greater road safety. To contribute to this objective, and on the occasion of the 78th session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety has hosted on the 22nd of February at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, a Road Safety Workshop. (more…)

A new visual identity

2-logo-tagline-underWhat we are and where we're going. BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (18th February 2016). We are proud to present our Annual report 2015 and to announce the launch of a new logo, to reveal our newly designed website, as part of the ongoing evolution of CITA. The Annual report 2015  is a compendium of our activities for the year 2015 and it can be downloaded quickly and easily, or read online. (more…)