Author - Daniele D'Onofrio

CITA webinar “The impact of safety inspection in the US vehicle fleet”

In its new webinar ( 1 March 2022), CITA invited Mr. H. Scott Matthews - principal at Avenue C Advisors and former professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University - to present the results of the study "The impact of periodic Passenger road accident vehicle safety inspection programs in the U.S.A.(more…)

75 Years of ITC: “Connecting Countries & Driving Sustainable Mobility”

From 21 to 25 February, Ministers and transport Leaders from around the world came together for the UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC), under the theme “75 Years of Inland Transport Committee: Connecting Countries and Driving Sustainable Mobility”. In fact, this 84th plenary session of the Internal Transport Committee (Geneva, 22-25 February 2022) celebrated its 75th anniversary. (more…)

High-level meeting on autonomous and connected driving

 Organized by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, in the frame of the French presidency of the Council of the EU, the meeting on automated and connected driving (“High level meeting on automated and connected driving”, HLM-CAD) brought together high-ranking representatives and experts from the field of connected and automated driving from the various EU member States, the European Commission and business ,and from academic circles. (more…)

A new colleague in CITA

Mr. Alejandro Checa, highly experienced on vehicle testing and certification, started working in the Homologations division at Applus IDIADA, where he grew and acquired a deep experience and knowledge, with specific background in e-mobility managing compliance for the EV charger’s certification in his latest position. (more…)

CITA Regulation for the Batteries of Electric Vehicles

In its new position paper "PROPOSAL REGARDING THE REGULATION FOR THE BATTERIES OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES", CITA recommends the essential aspects for the development of the regulatory framework for electric vehicle batteries, deeming it necessary to act as quickly as possible.
Over the years, batteries have been implemented into vehicles with very little regulation. This has led to issues in the roadworthiness inspections of electric and hybrid vehicles. Binding requirements are necessary to allow the roadworthiness inspection of these batteries. In this sense, particularly the inclusion of EV batteries in Annex V of Regulation COM(2020) 798 final 2020/0353 (COD, the obligation to provide the necessary data for inspection and strict third-party assessment and verification of compliance is crucial. This requires a reliable, transparent, and standardized SoH or access to battery data and conditions.