Author - Daniele D'Onofrio


Midtronics is focused on developing technologies to improve the way batteries are tested, charged, and managed, making us the battery technology partner of choice for the world’s leading automobile and heavy truck manufacturers, vehicle service organizations, and battery manufacturers. (more…)
CITA emissions NOx

Monitoring of NOx emissions as part of the PTI

CITA emissions NOxAfter particulate matter, nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the second largest cause of premature death out of the various pollutants. Within the EU (EU 27), NOx emissions caused 40,400 premature deaths in 2019 and 47,700 in all 41 European countries. Road transport was responsible for 39% of these NOx emissions, making it the largest contributor of this pollutant from all sources. This results in a calculated 18,600 premature deaths per year caused by NOx emissions from road transport in Europe[1] [2]. (more…)

A new CITA Member from Germany: QM-Verein

The Association for Quality Management in Vehicle Monitoring e.V. (QM-Verein) was installed in 2008 by 24 of the 26 PTI organisations operating in Germany as a neutral institution and was commissioned with the development as well as the coordination of cross-competitive quality controls.  (more…)

GRSF Annual Report 2021

Over the past year, which marked the start of a new Decade of Action for Road Safety, aiming to reduce road traffic deaths by 50 percent by 2030, GRSF has continued to take an active leadership role in speed management activities, including the production of global guidance, technical assistance.  (more…)