Author - Daniele D'Onofrio

CITA Annual Report 2022

Although 2022 was dominated by global crises, goals and measures to increase road safety and avoid traffic-related environmental pollution were high on political agendas around the world.

With currently more than 250 million independent and valid vehicle inspections annually, CITA members make a significant contribution to addressing these important goals.

On behalf of the CITA Bureau Permanent, the CITA Secretariat would like to thank all of them for their efforts in making our association such a success.

Also, special thanks to all those who, like us, are dedicated to vehicle safety and environmental protection.


The 85th plenary session of ITC

The UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC) is celebrating its 85th plenary session this week (21 to 24 February 2023) in Geneva, under the general theme: “Actions of the inland transport sector to join the global fight against climate change”.

This theme provide an opportunity to reflect on the unique assets of the Committee, highlighting its value added and underlining its future potential in curbing greenhouse gas emissions trends from inland transport in a disaster-hit global economy due to the impacts of climate change regionally and globally.


CITA’s view on EU VII

CITA welcomes the introduction of Euro 7/VII to further reduce emissions from road transport, making another important contribution to improving the environment. In particular, the expansion of the relevant real-world driving situations, the limitation of other, previously unrestricted pollutants, as well as the inclusion of non-exhaust emissions and specifications for the durability of traction batteries are very welcome. (more…)

Registration is open!

We are pleased to announce that the registration process to the CITA International Conference & 22nd General Assembly IS OPEN!

The event will be hosted by RDW (The Netherlands Vehicle Authority) from the 6 to 8 JUNE 2023 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

CITA conferences attract hundreds of specialists and policy makers from all regions of the world. The event is a unique opportunity to meet the experts of all fields of vehicle continuous compliance, both from the governmental and from the private side.

Delegates from National and International Administrations, Ministries, Law makers, Vehicle Roadworthiness operators, equipment manufacturers, and other interested parties regularly attend.

This edition’s theme is “Safe and Sustainable Road Transport” and, beside the plenary sessions, with top level representatives of the most relevant stakeholders, you can attend different split sessions:

  • Vehicle compliance in low- and middle-income countries
  • New technologies and data management
  • Environmental protection
  • Corporate Members’ presentations – Inspection procedures and methods
  • Electric Vehicle & New transport modes
  • The Roadworthiness Package
  • Vehicle approval

Full details of the event can be found in the CONFERENCE WEBSITE

CITA RAG Africa conference

The CITA RAG Africa Conference 2022 took place on Wednesday and Thursday 2 - 3 NOVEMBER 2022 in South Africa.

Under the theme "Testing Vehicles of the Future", the event was kindly hosted by AVTS at the International Convention Center in Cape Town.

On the first day of the conference, the participants went for a technical visit to a Roadworthy AVTS Station, while the conference took place on the second day.