
A Technical Exchange Between Finnish and Italian PTI Associations

On October 4th, a technical exchange took place in Catania, Italy, organized by FederIspettori who hosted the Finnish association Yksityisten Katsastustoimipaikkojen Liitto ry, presided over by Björn Ziessler. This event underscored the value of international cooperation and shared learning within the vehicle inspection sector, highlighting the fruitful relationship fostered through both associations' membership in the CITA. It is thanks to CITA that such meaningful exchanges become possible, promoting shared standards and collaboration across borders.

The first phase of the exchange involved an in-depth presentation by FederIspettori on the Italian vehicle inspection system, including an honest overview of its critical points and challenges. The event then shifted to the practical side, featuring visits to key inspection facilities in the Catania area. The delegation started by visiting a light vehicle inspection center, followed by a visit to the Motorizzazione Civile of Catania. In the afternoon, the group continued their exploration by visiting a heavy vehicle inspection center, offering a more comprehensive view of how vehicle inspections are managed across different sectors in Italy.

Special thanks go out to all partners who generously made their facilities available for these visits (Regione Sicilia for granting access to the Motorizzazione Civile of Catania, Revauto Srl for the heavy vehicle inspection center, and Centro Revisioni Pit Stop Sorbello for hosting the light vehicle inspection line) and the impeccable organization and hospitality of the Sicily section of FederIspettori.

CITA EU Manifesto for a Sustainable and Safer Road Transport Future

As the EU prepares for its new institutional mandate, CITA is dedicated to ensuring that emerging vehicle technologies drive a safer, cleaner, and more efficient road transport system. With vehicles playing a crucial role in society and the economy, we are at a pivotal moment to maximize technological advancements while addressing key challenges in road safety and sustainability.

A Regulatory Framework for the Future

The upcoming EU mandate will shape how vehicle technologies influence Europe's transport landscape. CITA calls for a regulatory framework aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Vision Zero, and climate action, focusing on these key areas:

  1. Comprehensive Vehicle Oversight
    The European Commission must establish necessary structures to provide a coordinated and comprehensive overview of vehicle regulation throughout their legal lifespan. This approach ensures that vehicles remain compliant with safety and environmental standards, from production to end-of-life.
  2. Integrated Decarbonization and Safety
    Decarbonization efforts must consider road safety and emission controls to protect both people and the environment.
  3. Support for New Technologies
    A strong regulatory framework is needed to ensure the safe and harmonized implementation of new technologies across the EU.
  4. Fair Access to Vehicle Data
    Ensuring equitable, cost-free access to vehicle systems and data for essential government functions, including approval and inspection processes.
  5. Risk-Based Vehicle Regulation
    A smarter approach to regulation should focus on vehicle risks, such as age and condition, ensuring that higher-risk vehicles are prioritized.
  6. Addressing New Transport Modes
    Regulatory frameworks must incorporate emerging transport modes, such as micromobility, to ensure their safe integration.

Key Priorities for the Next Five Years

Vehicle self-diagnosis systems like ADAS are essential but insufficient for full compliance. In the next mandate, CITA recommends:

Transparency in Electric Vehicle Fleets
Develop impartial assessments of electric vehicle batteries, especially their state of health, to ensure fleet electrification progresses responsibly.

Evaluation of Advanced Driving Systems
Create reliable, impartial methods to assess ADAS and autonomous systems throughout a vehicle's lifespan to maintain safety standards.

Finalizing the Roadworthiness Package
Complete the development of particle and nitrogen oxide emission testing to ensure vehicles meet environmental standards.

CITA is committed to collaborating with policymakers and industry stakeholders to build a regulatory environment that balances innovation with safety and sustainability.

By addressing the critical issues outlined in this manifesto, we believe the next EU mandate can unlock the full potential of new vehicle technologies while making significant strides toward achieving Europe’s sustainability and road safety goals.