A Technical Exchange Between Finnish and Italian PTI Associations
On October 4th, a technical exchange took place in Catania, Italy, organized by FederIspettori who hosted the Finnish association Yksityisten Katsastustoimipaikkojen Liitto ry, presided over by Björn Ziessler. This event underscored the value of international cooperation and shared learning within the vehicle inspection sector, highlighting the fruitful relationship fostered through both associations' membership in the CITA. It is thanks to CITA that such meaningful exchanges become possible, promoting shared standards and collaboration across borders.

The first phase of the exchange involved an in-depth presentation by FederIspettori on the Italian vehicle inspection system, including an honest overview of its critical points and challenges. The event then shifted to the practical side, featuring visits to key inspection facilities in the Catania area. The delegation started by visiting a light vehicle inspection center, followed by a visit to the Motorizzazione Civile of Catania. In the afternoon, the group continued their exploration by visiting a heavy vehicle inspection center, offering a more comprehensive view of how vehicle inspections are managed across different sectors in Italy.
Special thanks go out to all partners who generously made their facilities available for these visits (Regione Sicilia for granting access to the Motorizzazione Civile of Catania, Revauto Srl for the heavy vehicle inspection center, and Centro Revisioni Pit Stop Sorbello for hosting the light vehicle inspection line) and the impeccable organization and hospitality of the Sicily section of FederIspettori.