Developing global targets for road safety

Developing global targets for road safety

Opt1_Post5The World Day of Remembrance is only 3 days away.

Since 1993 it has been observed and promoted worldwide by several NGOs, including the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) and its associated organizations. On 26 October 2005, the United Nations endorsed it as a global day to be observed every third Sunday in November each year, making it a major advocacy day for road traffic injury prevention. CITA supports this important commemoration, and together with WHO and the UN encourages governments and NGOs around the world to commemorate this day.

Next Monday and Tuesday, 20-21 November 2017, WHO will be hosting the “Meeting of Member States to conclude the work on the development of voluntary global performance targets for road safety risk factors and service delivery mechanisms”.

Member States requested WHO to facilitate this process through the Brasilia Declaration and through resolutions of the UN General Assembly and World Health Assembly. This forthcoming meeting represents a final meeting in a two-year process. WHO hopes the outcome will lead to agreement around a set of global targets on proven interventions, which will in turn give inspiration to countries to develop their own national targets as a way of helping focus efforts and monitor results.

CITA encourages you to do what you can to make sure that your country is represented and that its representatives will adopt this proposal.

For further information about this process, visit:

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